Meet the Man Behind the Red Carpet’s Best Dressed Celebs

Up Close Meet the Man Behind the Red Carpet’s Best Dressed Celebs

You may never know it, but behind almost every stylish and stunning celebrity, there is an equally stunning stylist doing the dirty work. Law Roach is one of these hidden masters, an image architect who is making history dressing idols like Celine Dion, Zendaya, Ariana Grande and Demi Lovato. The LA-based image architect has created looks that have graced magazine covers, red carpets, and arena stages around the world, but for Law, it’s about more than just the clothes – it’s about making his clients feel confident enough with their own image that they shine in any outfit.

A personal connection with Zendaya brought Law's styling into the lime light.
Law embraced Celine's iconic style and heightened it for her triumphant return to the stage.

Between styling award season and judging the next season of America’s Next Top Model, Law found time to meet with some of the emerging designers from the CFDA {Fashion Incubator} class, giving sound advice on how to make their brands accessible and noticed by image architects like himself. We sat down with the visionary to get the scoop on his career, his celebrity clientele, and the key to creating the best look for yourself in 2018 by just being you.

Law with the CFDA {Fashion Incubator} 4.0 after a day of talking through the collections with the designers.

How did you know you wanted to work in fashion as a kid? What was the ah-ha moment?


Law Roach: I think it started with Barbie. I would dress her every day. She was my muse! But I really didn’t know I could have a career in it until I started doing it.



You call yourself an image architect. How do you craft an entire image beyond just the look?


LR: For me, it’s more than just finding the perfect dress, I need to be in control of the entire look down to the hair, makeup, nail color – everything. It has to be about the process. It all starts with research in the way an architect would start a project, with a blueprint for what I think the end product should be. But the important part is the person. I want to give them the confidence to shine themselves, not just hide behind the clothes. Confidence is everything.



What are three words to describe your personal image or style right now?


LR: Tacky. Cheap. Expensive.



Who have you been most nervous to work with?


LR: I don’t think I ever get nervous to work with people because I feel like the universe puts me in people’s lives at the exact point it is supposed to happen. Like with Zendaya, I met her through a mutual friend that introduced us when I was visiting LA and I dressed her that night. We just kept working together and had a long distance relationship for a long time. I always think it’s destiny that we came together.


Law taking a look at Daniel Dugoff's recent collection.
Law loving plaid for the season!

Styling is often a thankless job. How do you push through those moments of stress?


LR: I think I get through it because I am always excited to see people’s reaction and the way my work affects people. I like to listen to the conversation that my work starts. You know, no one ever talks about the process that goes into dressing someone. The carrying of all the garments back and forth from shoots, the sleepless nights doing fittings, the moment the client changes their mind and you have to start over–people just see the final look. But it’s our job. Fashion is about all those people working so hard to make things look effortless. You have to love and give credit to all those people that help you along the way.



Was there a piece of clothing you were obsessed with as a teenager? What about now?


LR: I have always been obsessed with coats. I think coats are the complete compliment to whatever you have on–or even on their own! I collect coats and I love them all–vintage, designer, military coats, whatever. I think that every woman deserves and should have a beautiful, dressier type of coat. There is something sophisticated about it. Coats are really magical.



Is there a trend you wish would die in 2018?


LR: Florals.

Law was a big fan of Haerfest's vibrant bag collection.
The details are everything.


If you could dress anyone, who would it be?


LR: This sounds really spiritual, but it is the truth: I have never had a wish list of people I want to dress. I really believe that when I am supposed to be put in someone’s life, or career, or whatever it may be, it will happen and it will happen naturally and organically. I want to work with people who need me and I need them.



What’s your advice for non-celebrities trying to look as good as they do?


LR: Not to listen to ‘fashion experts’ like myself and other people like me. Try it on and if you love it and feel beautiful in it, then wear it. As cliché as it might sound, it is really true that the most beautiful thing that a woman wears is confidence. If you feel beautiful you cannot help but be confident and if you look beautiful you cannot help but feel beautiful and if you feel beautiful you’re going to have a great day and help someone else have a great day. So put it on and if you love it, wear it and don’t care.

Alexandra gets some advice from Law about her beautiful bodysuit company ALIX.
Will we see Celine Dion in one of these sparkly ALIX bodysuits soon?

What about a trend you think will shine in 2018?


LR: I really don’t follow trends too much even though we all end up using them. That’s just what happens sometimes. But a trend that I hope stays around season after season is over the knee boots. I love them in all weather and all climates, dressed up, dressed down, with jeans, with a dress or long skirt. I think there is something so silly and sexy about over the knee boots. They could be super classy or super slutty and I like them either way. I gave some to Celine and she looks so powerful and strong yet so sexy!


But beyond everything, the best trend you can wear is whatever makes you feel confident and beautiful. No two people are the same, and I try to embrace that with my work. Let the “you” shine through!